Thursday, October 20, 2011


so i got my iphone last week and it is truly amazing. I shake my head over having gone with the droid first.

i should've realized that I have NEVER been a hardware person. sure, some people can hack into their droids and make them into really efficient little machines, and I respect that. but i like my computer to function as it should -- simply.

but i love good software, so i should have known that the iphone was for me, because while a droid is nice, the iphone is better supported by the app community. (especially publications! So many pubs/media organizations have iphone apps but not droid apps. when I found out NPR didn't have a droid app, i was SO disappointed.)

my first app purchase was 8mm ($1.99). think of it as hipstamatic for your video camera. here's my first video shot with the app: my new office space! can you imagine if i'd had this app at joy's wedding?? omg.

anyways, hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the reco. downloading the app as we speak. Hello NY videos! :)
