spring is here! there is much to be thankful for. despite the fact that I have a love/hate relationship with spring (love the flowers, hate the pollen), i'm going to try and keep a positive attitude about spring.
the weekend was spent cooking, eating, reading, churching, and scheming -- i realized that i demand a lot from chris and don't do much in return. so on sunday afternoon, i planned a little outing for us to pack a picnic and see the cherry blossoms that are blooming so beautifully in dc!
then chris in turn surprised me with a paddle boat ride, which is just about my most favorite thing to do ever. what is it about venturing forth on a water vessel that makes me so happy? I'm not sure, but chris put it well: "just a second ago we were walking, and now we are floating on water!" indeed, sir. indeed.
ahoy! |
matey! |
obligatory couple, river, blossom shot |
dorkus humongonicus |
picnic of veggies, grapes, potato salad, bread, cheese, and ... |
chris' contribution: astronaut ice cream |
a word about the astronaut ice cream. I told chris a while ago that i had always wanted to try astronaut ice cream because when i would go on school trips to the air and space museum in elementary school, the cool kids would get money from their chaperone parents to go to the gift shop and buy astronaut ice cream afterwards. so finally, after all these years, i got to try it.
it was gross.
but i appreciate the fulfillment of a childhood dream!